Wednesday, June 3, 2009

what a shame...

most of the leading news paper in malaysia wrote about the terengganu stadium which its roof collapsed yesterday morning. making everybody alarm about how safe our building structure is (especially those related to government project, as u know involved rakyat's money). Not enuff with the controversy involved MRR2 kepong (which became a never ending story & suppose became lesson to be learned) now comes the terengganu stadium which costs almost 300 million. we are talking about a structure that only aged about a year (for god sake) where the liability period is still valid. from what i heard, that stadium is a design & build structure & as u know designed & constructed by contractor. it is not fair if everybody put blames on contractor. i am referring to the authority that endorsed the project, the consultant appointed (of course by JKR) who suppose to check & moniter the design whether it is been designed accordingly, taking into account every aspect includes design quality & safety. again, even if the contractor is making mistake in constructing the structure, the superintandence officer has right to reject or discertify the works. again, i belive the credibility of higher authority will be questioned. to me, this incident shouldnt happen. it is more likely happen due to the human failure not due to act of god. some1 has to scrutiny this incident as its involved rakyat's money which i belive many things can be done with those 300 million (what a big waste for us as a tax payer)..shame..shame..shame..