Monday, June 29, 2009
wahh...dah dekat 2 mggu...
dah nak bsawang dah blog aku ni dah lama xpost entry, nk kata bz idok gak tp tah, xdo idea gaknye..plak tu aku ado project baru lak skg ni, lg le merestrictkan (apo punya ayat..) xtbt aku nk mengepos entry, apa pon entry totap aku hantar even aku mmg syok ngn project baru aku tu..hahahahaha...ado sajoo..
Thursday, June 18, 2009
mggu bermalas-malasan...
alaaa..pesal mgu ni aku rasa tul2 xde mood nk keje..motivation that gone..katakan... pas je aku balik pd short so-called vacation tuh trus aku dlm mood cotiii saje. nk2 plak menghadap muka2 ni, lg le aku cam xde motivation nk keje..alhamdulillah le evryting run smooh, aku pon dah start wat preparation sket utk raya, xde le sok nk spend lump sum, mau rabak poket aku. yg penting ank aku cucuk pon dah nk setel, akikah, sunat dia pon aku dah setelkan. alhamdulillah la, selama aku kawen ni xde lagi la hutang2 yg tertunggak, semua kitaorg bedua dah setelkan part masing2 on time. apa pon jommmmmmm kita keep bermalas-malasan...jom...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
short so-called- vacation..
its been almost a year i didnt go anywhere after i found out i was praggy & safely delivered hadeel. last saturday we arranged a short so-called family vacation (arranged by my in law side). yaeh its short but enjoying as it was my 1st vacation with hadeel before we go for our so-called long vacation to jakarta coming october. 

it was the 1st time she learn how to swim with those floaters & i cant hardly wait to buy her a piar of swimming suit so that she can learn how to float & swim swiftly next month at our condo's pool. ahh..shes doesnt alfraid of water at all even with the pampers on (polution..polution..polution..hahaha..) love to see her soothing smile..
Monday, June 15, 2009
story behind the orkid...
teringat masa aku mula dpt umh tu lepas dekat 6 bulan menunggu SnP, bank lawyer ape semua setel juz to own that house, mujur owner tu handed umh tu bersih so aku juz samak je sebelum aku bwk masuk barang2, cat umh tu, yela umh sendiri so aku nk le nmpk semeggah sikit bukan pasai umh tu yg aku nk crita tp ni haaaaaa..pasai pokok orkid...
korang maybe nmpk its juz an orkid yg ade mungaa...santekk le tu kan, tp mmg aku pon xcaya yg dia akn bebunga sedemikian ropaaa sbb masa aku mula2 masuk umh tu, pokok orkid tinggalan owner lama ni cam dah idup segan mati xmau. dah kering kontang rantingnya, daun ape tah lg la kan nk ada, aku dah siap tarik ranting pokok tu kuar ngn akar2 skali igt nk buang sebab nmpk cam dah mati...tah cane aku ternmpk le ade tunas kecik sesgt kat celah2 ranting tuh..yelakan, dah le xde ape pokok pon, so tah nape aku simpan gak le pokok tu kat balcony, lantak le nk tumbuh ke tak kann sbb pokok orkid ni kan susah nk bela, nk bebunga apatah lg, aku yg mmg bkn green finger ni pon bior jelah pokok ni centu je, smpi le dia tumbuh daun alik sbb aku letak uncang teh yg dah guna nk wat as baja le konon...lama la gak nk bior daun dia naik alik..alih2, 3-4 bulan pas hadeel lahir aku nmpk cam ada kudup bunga....laaaaaaaaaahaaaai...pokok orkid yg idup segan mati xmau aku tu nk bebunga ropanyaaaa...tekojut gak aku kan sbb pokok tu xberbela...terbiar...saja aku letak gambo pokok orkid tu utk kenang-kenangan....

Thursday, June 11, 2009
next post..
i have a lot of thing to be spilled out of my mind but im still looking for the right time to deliver it. so many things to be done at 1 time, thinking, waiting, multidispline task (??)..bla..bla..bla had restricted me from delivering those things out of my mind..(which means i need 360 degree concentration....err.... do we actually need concentration in writing a new entry in blog??...its depend..)..argghhhhh..i have hell lot of things lingering in my mind right now...and need better rest sleep as well....
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
bila suspen nk berakhir ni...?
ke aku yg gopoh?? yela, aku nk tau le dpt ke tak, klu dpt ckp je la dpt, klu xdpt ckp xdpt, xyah le aku tetunggu2, letih menunggu ni sebenarnya, kang di remind byk kali kang ckp kita kalut lak kan..ish..serba salah & serba tak kena aku diwatnya..bkn pe, serik diperkotak katikkan mcm LKW, alih2 senyap je..xde rezeki sebenarnye..adui, dorg ckp sepanjang bulan 6 ni recruitment & selection, adui, ade ke nama aku lam list tuh?? faculty engineering & built environment , construction management..waaaaaaaaa..aku nk blah pada sini cepat2 la wei..alaaaaaaaa.........
Monday, June 8, 2009
rindu lak kat dak gedeel2 tuh....
sambil prepare cert utk sub-con tetiba aku tringat lak kat gedeel2...bkn pe td masa nk g keje dia nangis, yela kwn dah cerdik tgk aku pakai tudung gaknye dia ingat aku nk bawak dia g jenjalan, aku dukung jap je pas tu letak balik atas tilam dia, dah dia melalak cam "umiiiii..nk iiiitoooot"...adui, sian lak aku tgk dia even kdg2 dia wat aku letih yg amat sgt (smpi aku nk beeeeemesra ngn babah dia pon gedeel2 pya pasai..)...sambil tu skg ni aku duk tgh survey kindergarden, tmpt mengaji & polisi insuran yg sesuai utk dia, future investment...sambil tu aku isau lak takut tempat nak ngaji xde, tau2 la kan KL, kang skolah pandai pe semua tetiba ngaji xreti lak kan..atoiyaiiii...sape yg nk jawab kat SANA nanti....hmmm...
lepas weekend...
last weekend, sabtu aku attand 3 kenduri. mabuk nasik minyak xtekata, 3 rumah aku pg 2 umh je aku mkn, 1 lg juz pay a visit. letih mmg letih xtekata, ahad ada 1 lg kenduri tp aku xattand dek sebab letih, aku moody & 8 kali aku cirit sbb perut aku mmg xtahan campur2 byk sgt makanan. letih dan bengang aku lg memuncak sbb dah le sakit perut hadeel lak wat perangai, pastu babah dia lak dok bising aku bgn lewat (mcm dia lak bgn tgh2 mlm wat susu & tukar lampin ank...bgg je aku) pendek kata mmg ahd tu aku juz prefer membisu dr byk bercakap sebab aku terlampau moody & aku xrasa aku patut bercakap, lantak la apa org lain nk ckp, i don give a damn care.
tiba2 je aku jd rindu gila kat parents aku. not to deny aku a bit stress lately. klu xkerana hadeel aku rasa aku dah alik umh parents aku dah, balik berehat, tp sbb ada ank kecik aku malas la nk mengangkut brg ke sana ke mari ditambah ngn kewangan yg mencukupi (bkn xde ok), lgpon parents aku nk dtg bulan depan. ni ujung minggu ni nk ke PD lak, tah pesal tetiba aku xde motivation lak nk pg, bkn sbb xseronok, tp bila memikirkan kewangan terhad pastu aku lak byk sgt pikir hal keje (aku serabut slagi aku stay sini, mmg serabut gila). memikirkan bila dah alik sini dah ahd pastu senin nk keje, ahhhh double penat..klu xde ank kecik xpe. serius aku mmg penat smpi aku xde masa utk diri sendiri..
tiba2 je aku jd rindu gila kat parents aku. not to deny aku a bit stress lately. klu xkerana hadeel aku rasa aku dah alik umh parents aku dah, balik berehat, tp sbb ada ank kecik aku malas la nk mengangkut brg ke sana ke mari ditambah ngn kewangan yg mencukupi (bkn xde ok), lgpon parents aku nk dtg bulan depan. ni ujung minggu ni nk ke PD lak, tah pesal tetiba aku xde motivation lak nk pg, bkn sbb xseronok, tp bila memikirkan kewangan terhad pastu aku lak byk sgt pikir hal keje (aku serabut slagi aku stay sini, mmg serabut gila). memikirkan bila dah alik sini dah ahd pastu senin nk keje, ahhhh double penat..klu xde ank kecik xpe. serius aku mmg penat smpi aku xde masa utk diri sendiri..
Friday, June 5, 2009
Turning Hadeel To Cinderella..
ahh...not easy to groom your baby till u drop, u need rigorous work, burn your penny a little bit here n there, creative thinking (u need the most!!) im still looking for shoes that fit hadeel, not juz focusing on size, brand n look but also penny that i think worth to spend. osh kosh, baby gap, mothercare are the brands that lead my list rite now (wah2 ko dressing kalah umi ko ekk..). i've seen so many pre walker shoes for hadeel but most of it are too pinky..need somthing light & sweet like pastel as i don wan my daughter to look like Barney..out of nowhere...last week her babah bought her 3 pairs of legging & 2 sets of hair clip. cant wait to grrrroom her tomorrow. still looking for her shoes rite now as she oredi had so many shirts and rompers..where i think she had enuff for now.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
new look..
due to extreme boredom, i change my blog's look making it more revives for my own stil waiting for the result, which end up making me like having a cold feet syndrome (masa nk kawen dulu pon xde rasa ceni..)...aduiii...while revitalizing my blog, i have a quick peek on FB & would like to share the causes of collapsed roof in terengganu stadium..look...
huahaha....bleh plak centu.....perhaps the higher authorities are still looking for the causes & evidance while we oredi found the causes...huhuuu...
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
what a shame...
most of the leading news paper in malaysia wrote about the terengganu stadium which its roof collapsed yesterday morning. making everybody alarm about how safe our building structure is (especially those related to government project, as u know involved rakyat's money). Not enuff with the controversy involved MRR2 kepong (which became a never ending story & suppose became lesson to be learned) now comes the terengganu stadium which costs almost 300 million. we are talking about a structure that only aged about a year (for god sake) where the liability period is still valid. from what i heard, that stadium is a design & build structure & as u know designed & constructed by contractor. it is not fair if everybody put blames on contractor. i am referring to the authority that endorsed the project, the consultant appointed (of course by JKR) who suppose to check & moniter the design whether it is been designed accordingly, taking into account every aspect includes design quality & safety. again, even if the contractor is making mistake in constructing the structure, the superintandence officer has right to reject or discertify the works. again, i belive the credibility of higher authority will be questioned. to me, this incident shouldnt happen. it is more likely happen due to the human failure not due to act of god. some1 has to scrutiny this incident as its involved rakyat's money which i belive many things can be done with those 300 million (what a big waste for us as a tax payer)..shame..shame..shame..
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
migrain yg meyerang lagi....
adui, pesal le pg ni si hadeel asyik kerap bangun, leh kata sejam skali. aku yg keletihan sbb smlm ptg kene rush gi sri hartamas, pastu rush g amik hadeel sbb takut jam ngn ujan, ngn kene ujan lg ptg tu, ya ampun..mlm pas masak aku trus flat, flat smpi xsedar apa..dah la aku xbrp familiar ngn sri hartamas, bpusing gak aku mencari, dah le ujan lebat gila..dek kerana kerap bangun tido bangun tdo, sedar dkt kul 4.30 aku dah rasa cam somthing kat mata aku...huhu...sah aku migrain, jd masa tido, adui...trus aku bg hadeel susu cepat2 aku tutup mata sbb takut mengenang satgi kepala aku rasa cam nk meletop...aku pon apa lg, melompat dr katil capai bantal trus tdo kat ruang tamu, sblm sakit tu myerang, cepat2 aku paksa mata aku tdo so that bila bangun xde la sakit sangat karang..huhu..dah le mgu lepas aku kene mgu ni kena lg..mgu lepas smpi aku lembik dek sebab muntah byk sgt..klu migrain ubat dia senang je, muntah, pas muntah..insyaallah sakitnye kurang (apa pya stail brubat daa..). pgi ni je 3 bijik panadol aku telan, blm msk yg tgh hari lg..awat td ngn ati yg berat & sian kat laki aku sbb kena jaga ank, tp aku nk wat camana, dr lsg aku xleh bgn & xleh pg keje lbh baik aku tdo even kejap..bgn tu bru aku rasa kurang sket sakit even sakitnya tu ada smpi skrg..mmg sah jd sbb stress, xcukup rehat & tido, sensetif ngn cahaya..sbb tu aku malas tgk tv lama2..silau cahaya dr tv tu yg wat aku jd ceni (takkan nk kene pakai sunglases lak kot masa tgk tv, cam gila la plak)..ahh...aku still seeking for alternative medication to cure it instead of relying on paracetamol..kene rehat cukup2 ni bru ilang kot..ntah la...
Monday, June 1, 2009
libur dikala tension...tension ke??
terbaca post buyui pasai MPH, teringat plak zaman study dulu mmg aku gila n obses (ye ke??) sgt ngn novel especially written by sidney sheldon, danielle steel & harold robin. wahh mmg zaman single & study dulu ni jelah medium yg paling best utk dilayan instead of internet sbb aku mmg xbrp minat sgt nonton tv ni even till now. teringat last aku bli buku utk diri sendiri masa peknen 6@7 month kat kinokuniya, "The Kept Woman" yg sampei la skrg aku xabis2 baca smpi kena baca balik dari mula sbb aku dah lupa storyline dia..kui2..yela bru je gaya nk melabuhkan punggong kat sofa tatkala novel baru nk diselak, ank aku dah kacau..ishh...terganggu sudah konsentrasiku (ye ke??) minat aku ngn novel ni mmg xpenah ilang, infact dah byk koleksi yg aku simpan & syg smpi la dah jd mini library ruang tamu aku tu, minat aku mmg takkan penah ilang..yelah, nk menghayati cerita ni kene concentrate tp memandangkan ank kecik lg (adusss) tpaksa la aku ketepikan niat aku nk baca novel ni wat sementara waktu ohhh...sbb tu masa MPH wat stock clearance aritu aku cuma bli buku utk Qadeel tp aku xbeli utk diri sendiri walaupon ati aku meronta2 & terkinja2 nk bli tp aku tahan...huhu...btui kata org baca novel ni ibarat kita dah melancong separuh dunia, mana taknya, bila storyline cerita background kat Paris la Herlem NY la, otak aku pon melancong ke Paris, Harlem n mcm2 tmpt g dah walaupon badan lum lg..hehe. tp aku rasa sok pon aku baca buku gak tp utk Qadeel le, "Qadeel sit on Umi's lap & umi read u a story about Bee zee Bees ok..bzzz bzzz bzzzz...."...kui2 xgak sbb buku dia dah mcm2 ada tu..jgn xtau...
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