Allah berfirman:
"Ketika Aku menciptakan seorang wanita, ia diharuskan untuk menjadi seorang yang istimewa. Aku membuat bahunya cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia namun, harus cukup lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan " - bahuku yg blm cukup kuat...
"Aku memberikannya kekuatan dari dalam untuk mampu melahirkan anak dan menerima penolakan yang seringkali datang dari anak-anaknya " - sepertimana yg aku alami skrg...
"Aku memberinya kekerasan untuk membuatnya tetap tegar ketika orang-orang lain menyerah, dan mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh " - ya aku penat, dan kadang2 mengeluh...
"Aku memberinya kepekaan untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan, bahkan ketika anaknya bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya " - sepertimana yg aku alami sekarang...
"Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk mendukung suaminya dalam kegagalannya dan melengkapi dengan tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya " - usaha ku yg xkan pernah putus...
"Aku memberinya kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui bahwa seorang suami yang baik takkan pernah menyakiti isterinya, tetapi kadang menguji kekuatannya dan ketetapan hatinya untuk berada disisi suaminya tanpa ragu" - ya ia cukup menguji keimanan...
"Dan akhirnya, Aku memberinya air mata untuk dititiskan...
Ini adalah khusus miliknya untuk digunakan bilapun ia perlukan." - yg keluar dan sukar utk sesiapa pon ketahui....
Ya aku berusaha utk menjadi ibu yg baik, ya aku berusaha menjadi isteri yg solehah, ya aku berusaha selagi ada daya aku, akan tetapi kesabaran yg tinggi, sokongan yg padu padu amat aku perlukan..jika berusaha mengasihi aku, mengasihani aku dan menghargai aku, bantulah aku...
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Is it A Little Too Early??
Last week while downloading some reading materials for Hadeel, my colleague came to me & ask 'what is that for?' i said for my baby. She asked 'already start meh?', again i said (the feeling of disgust some kind like filling my lungs!! arghhhh) yeah (so what!!). 'Dont you thing it is too early?' she said (come on shes my daughter ok...). I said 'nothing, juz download it, not sure when to use (but i already started it haha). Then it come for me to think is it too early?? No of coz not, it has been proven that education should start as early as possible form the age of 3 months!. So, im on the right path! The author of 'Teaching Your Baby Reading' wrote in his book (you can get it from that it is never too early to teach your baby how to read. Juz that you should know what sort of material suitable to stimulus your baby's left & right brain. I started with infant stimulus flash card to stimulus her brain. The reason why i am too eager about teaching my daughter at early age is that i want her to be able to know how to read at the age of 4, recognize ABC in sequence & randomly as early as 3 years old. Knowing that Wardina's daughter is able to read at the age of 4 encourage me to impliment it. At the age of 3 months, the baby only familiar with black & white. So, make sure that your flash card is big & clear enuff to attract them. There is no point of sending your kids to expensive kindergarten which at the end, end up making them boring and lazy and even worse if they are still unable to recognize simple alphabets and numbers. Education should starts at home, we as a mother is the greatest teacher of all. I juz want to make it simple for Hadeel so that when i send her up to kindergarten, she is able to pick up things easily as she already learned it at early age. Thats the main reason why i seldom go out at weekend. I rather stay at home & teach her slowly coz thats the only quality time i have to educate her. All i need is rigorous work, patient and a prayer.
Monday, April 27, 2009

Today, i feel so unmotivated to come to work. Drove lazily to work, passing by the massive traffic jam which always stress me out. At 1 time (actuall many times) i feel like quitting or give up work as i am totaly tired and fed up with he situation in the office. Been treated unfairly, discrimination occurs everywhere almost giving me up. I keep on wondering when all these going to be over?? If it is not for me to come to think about hubby & hadeel, maybe rite know i already give up work, become an educated housewife & further my study. I slowly starts to dislike doing costing & estimation, feels boring to see those thick tender document and totally hates to attend site visit or site meeting, to cut it short, the feeling of boring already accumulated in my body thus making me lost interest to get involve in construction industry directly. Lack of motivation occured due to poor remuneration offered after 2 1/2 years serving the company.
Is It Wrong To Be Born A Woman?
Last thursday, i've red an article about a women who is severely suffer with mental illness due to the human discrimination towards justice. Shes been tortured mentally by her husband who refuse to divorce her. Yes, not to deny that it is 'nusyuz' for a muslim women to ask for a divorce however, God is not that cruel in creating his laws. Would you live with a guy who loves to watch obscene act and pornography, slept with other woman and never treat you as he should? Thats the reasons why she ask for a divorce which i believe she has right to do so. Imagine she has to wait more than 10 years for her pending case to be heard in court. She even miss her opportunity to live happily with a guy who maybe can provide and serves her right due to her cruel husband who refuses to let her go. Now, my question is, why she has to wait that long? What is wrong with Shariah Court in Malaysia? Do we emphasize the law in right way? There is nothing wrong with the shariah law as it is what been stipulated in Al-Quran hundred years ago. Lack of curiosity, seeing and taking things for granted lead to this matter. Somthing has to be done here for the sake of treaten women out there. Hope with the new cabinet on the line will figure and overcome this matter once and for all....
Friday, April 24, 2009
Little Qadriyyah Hadeel...

1st Entry...Boleh laaa...
Im too new in this section but i never want to miss the opportunity to optimize the use of technology. By reviewing many blogs existed, it tells me that i should have 1 too..Not to condenm or critisize anyone, i create this blog juz to express my feeling and to share with others whos willing to wait for my next post as im looking for the suitable material to add in...chao...
Im too new in this section but i never want to miss the opportunity to optimize the use of technology. By reviewing many blogs existed, it tells me that i should have 1 too..Not to condenm or critisize anyone, i create this blog juz to express my feeling and to share with others whos willing to wait for my next post as im looking for the suitable material to add in...chao...
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